Unleash Your True Potential with 
The Being Movement's Creating Being Course

Welcome to The Being Movement's **Creating Being Course** – an immersive, 8-week journey designed to ignite a transformation within you. Co-developed by the visionary, John Patrick Morgan, and The Being Movement, this self-study course is a deep exploration into creating your Document and fully actualizing the essence of your identity.

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Discover the Art of Authentic Self-Expression 

Creating Being is about more than simple self-improvement – it's a revolution in personal growth and understanding. It's an invitation to discover and celebrate who you truly are in every sense of the word. 
In this transformative 8-week program, you will engage with a host of powerful principles and practices that help you recognize, embrace, and express your genuine self. By the end of the course, you will have created your own Document - a testament to your unique journey and a roadmap to your personal evolution.

Learn from the Penultimate Coach

Created in partnership with the celebrated thought-leader John Patrick Morgan, the Creating Being Course offers you the opportunity to learn from one of the leading voices in personal transformation. As the founder of Creating, JP brings his wealth of knowledge and practical wisdom to this life-changing program.

Step into a New Era of Self-Realization

If you're ready to fully embrace your potential, rise above limitations and experience the true joy of self-realization, then the Creating Being Course is for you. This program is a catalyst for profound inner growth and a new level of self-understanding.

Join the Creating Being Course

Join us on this 8-week journey and become part of an international community committed to personal transformation. Your evolution starts today – are you ready to step into the fullness of your Being?
Invest in yourself with the Creating Being Course and embark on the journey of self-discovery. Remember, you're not just creating a Document, you're creating your life.

What’s included?

You will have access to 8 modules of lessons in your course library in John Patrick Morgan’s Creating.Studio. Each of these 24 individual lessons is a deep dive on Creating a way of being (and doing) that gives you the freedom, love, and power to create everything you want in your life. Lessons are mostly audio (some video), available streaming in a mobile app and range from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours in length. Each lesson includes theory, examples and exercises for you to do. You will have access to these lessons forever.

Your Course Creator

The Seed & Fruit of Being
John Patrick Morgan is a Philosopher and Champion for Being whose life purpose is to serve the one person in front of him, right here and right now. To see them fully, to create who they are and to make a meaningful difference for them honestly and completely. John Patrick Morgan is a Philosopher and Champion for Being.
He leads a team of Creating Champions who teach, coach, and guide thousands of entrepreneurs and artists in being more free, loving, and powerful. By learning and embodying the Creating perspective, their clients achieve a union of outcomes in spiritual growth, material success, and social impact.
Post his formal studies in Physics and Mathematics, John Patrick built multiple small businesses (including one from a laptop and a backpack before the term ‘digital nomad’ existed), developed real estate, traveled the world for years on end, coached human rights leaders, recorded albums & toured with his band, created a kids library in Cambodia, learned to scuba dive & pilot gliders, published writing and photography, competed as a black belt & triathlete, trained with Buddhist monks in India, cycled toured for months and many other adventures. In recent years, his adventures have turned inward as his family came to be. He and his wife now reside with their two young boys in the countryside at 4000′ on a mountain in Maui.
The foundation of John Patrick Morgan’s role as a philosopher, teacher, and guide, is his being a real-world practitioner. He walks his talk, lives what he teaches, and has a genuine and powerful commitment to creating everybody. 
John Patrick Morgan
Philosopher & Creating Founder
Purchase the Course

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